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Friday, March 26, 2010

Celebrates World Water Day

22 March 2010 is World Water Day.

In conjuction with that, my company screened the award winning documentary entitled 'F.L.O.W.-the love for water' during lunch for all of us to share a touching documentary highlighted the water crisis and issues that existed in many parts of the world like South Africa, Egypt and India. Do you know.....?
  • One toilet flush - uses 3 gallons of water
  • A single load of laundry - uses 40 gallons of water
  • 10 minute shower - uses 50 gallons of water
  • Brushing with the tap running - uses 4 gallons of water
Due to over-pumping (by many multinational corporations), the groundwater in several countries were almost gone - Because it has filled up all the mineral water bottles!

If all Singaporeans save about 5 litres of water a day, it will be enough to fill more than 3,000 Olympic-sized swimming pool in a year.

Water is precious. Drink from the tap. Use them wisely!

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